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    Noam Chomsky has long been the most cited living author; on the all-time list .. back so that they'll bleed to death, c  ...
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    SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd Mass media as a culture industry – from critical theory to Mass media as the domina  ...
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  • Urban Social Geography

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  • Sociology of Culture

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  • Semiotics: Theory And Applications

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  • Approaches to Human Geography

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  • Democracy in Social Movements

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  • The Sociology of Philosophies

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    Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England . Maimonidists, Averroists, and Kabbalists. 478 Another stream came from  ...
  • The Sociology of Early Buddhism

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  • Sociology of Education - National Open University of Nigeria

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  • Handbook of the Sociology of Religion - Yola

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  • Blackwell Companion to Sociology

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  • Sociology

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    For press review copies, author interviews, or other publicity information, please contact our Public Trademarks: Clif  ...
  • Exploring World Cultural Geography

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  • Sociological Perspectives on Global Climate Change

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